Monday, August 31, 2015

Exploring Mountains (Mt. Gulugod Baboy)

"The beginning of a journey begins with one step." That's exactly what I always feel when I wander around and travel. After a month of rest I was able to explore and have a little adventure near the city again. It's also in Batangas, it's a very popular mountain because according to many who already went there it's the easiest climb. Trust me it is!
On our way to the summit of Mt. Gulugod Baboy.
This is my fourth mountain climb and I would really recommend this for beginners. My first climb was February of this year also in Batangas which is the Mt. Batulao, I just ended a relationship about a month ago before the trekked and I thought having the trip will really ease my broken heart. And it did! The place is definitely amazing and stunning. I can't really fully describe what I felt when I was at the summit.
Camp site in Mt. Batulao
I'm so thankful to them (Mommy Clauds and her hubby). Our picture at the summit. :-)

My second climb was Mt. Samat in Bataan. I'm not thrilled at all, the reason why is  it's very commercialized, you can ride your car or any vehicle going to the mountain unless you will walk the cemented road to reach the top. It's like not what I've imagined I guess but no kidding the place is great and I'm surprised the cross at the top (it's the summit by the way) has an elevator inside and it would be great for star gazing at night.
Mt. Samat

My third climb was in Cavite and it's Mt. Pico De Loro. Oh boy that place was really the most breath taking and let's say life taking (buwis buhay). We climbed the Monolith and seriously it's very dangerous and  I really felt like I'm really going to die if I miss one step.

Mt. Pico de Loro

And just this month, Mt. Gulugod Baboy! Yay! The name is really really unique right? It's like a pig spine due to it's shape. The summit is like a hilltop like the TV show Teletubbies when I was young. Actually I don't know which one is the summit really, there's like three hilltops. The fog is really covering the hilltop the whole time we are there. I can imagine how lovely the place is at night. It's really pretty and probably best if we were able to spend the night and do the camping but we weren't able to because we were so late to arrived at the place and considering we were girls. We didn't push ourselves to do the night trek. We spent the night at the nearest resort (Philpan Dive Resort) instead and pitched our tent there. We left the resort and start the climb around 4:00 am. We reached the summit around 6:30 am. I was inspired by the kids we met along the way, they're coming down from that mountain to go to school. And probably walking long distance, we hardly see any jeepneys just motorcycles and tricycles for commuters. And the people around that place was amazing too and very friendly. They let us

  All I can say when I was at the top of the summit is really "Thank You Lord, Your the best!" I'm so happy He allowed me to be able to see the wonders of what's up there. The fear, jittery, excitement and how small I am; it reminds me of something. I'm being reminded to be humble before Him. That complaining won't really make a situation change. And to be reminded that when your struggling with something and you think you can't do it anymore but if you push yourself there's always a reward at the end. That trying to reach your goals in life is never really that easy. It requires strength, hardwork, sweat(sometimes blood)and faith to pursue it. And to be reminded that God really never leaves you in your journey, because He always wanted you to experience His love and companionship through other people. Whether it's through a friend or a stranger you will meet along the way. I know He will allow me to be able to visit more of His creations and more adventures to come.  #OneMountainAtATime  More adventure awaits! God bless us all! :-)

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